It's hard NOT to notice that Park City Mountain Resort has been getting hammered on. The weather forecast called for snow flurries, but I'm pretty sure those were some of the biggest snowflakes I've ever seen. It was absolutely dumping outside and the weather still has not let up. While the powder that this storm has brought has been nothing short of Christmas miracle, it has also brought along its share of problems.
The heavy wet snow, combined with high winds, took down several trees around the Resort. Multiple trees fell on the power line that feeds Jupiter lift, which ultimately took out the power. Rocky Mountain Power is sending several crews up tomorrow to repair the downed power lines. As a result, Jupiter lift, will be closed tomorrow. We will update you tomorrow afternoon (12/23) on the status of the repair.
Our storm total thus far is over 5 feet and we're still counting! See you on the slopes.
Sounds like a great problem to have -- too much snow!!!
See you Sunday!
Posted by: jersey_guy | December 23, 2010 at 07:37 AM