Nothing like a bit of snow to change our little world. We're in the midst of a few storm systems at last (hence I'm posting at 4 in the morning). Our 24 hour total is 8 inches which the wind has pushed around into pillows a couple feet deep. Gotta say I enjoyed some of my best powder-type turns of the year yesterday. We're bringing a herd of rookies in this morning for their first snow safety shooting mission. Doubt we'll make any huge or even significant avalanches today, but there will be plenty of what we like to call "educational soft slabs." A great learning opportunity for the new folks.
The new snow has allowed us to push our open terrain out a bit. Yesterday we opened the Portuguese and Rhino areas of Jupiter. Can't quite open all the way to Scott's yet, need another good foot of new to cover the rocks there. As part of our morning mission, we're going to start shooting the Peak today. If these little storms continue to slide across over the next few days as forecast, we may (he says MAY) be able to get Puma Bowl and Pinion Ridge to P-zone open for the weekend. We also hope to get enough to cover the new Front Side glades and open the Ski Team Ridge runs soon too.
I hate to keep beating a dead equine with the Stick of Dumb, but I saw some poor judgement yesterday. Folks charging very risky lines in the thin Jupiter snow. One hapless wanderer took a lovely body slide over the M-Rock in Main Bowl. I think he was trying to huck the cliff and caught an edge on the geology. Not too bright given current conditions. Again, think before you go and remember, if it's a hump it's a stump, if it's a bump it's a rock.
Hi guys!
You are doing a fantastic job with the blog here. I love the fact that I can get all the latest news about the resort whether I am at home there in Park City, strolling around town with my iPod Touch, or out of state... planning my return.
My only wish is that the RSS feed for your blog was FULL. I don't like having to click through to to website in order to read the posts. It simply wastes my time (which is very limited and valuable). In fact, I usually don't subscribe to any RSS feed that is partial.
I just thought I would share this with you... so that maybe, just maybe, you would consider switching to a FULL RSS FEED.
I know I'd appreciate it... and I'm sure others would as well.
Thanks for listening... and keep up the good work!
Eric replies:
Thanks for the feedback Darren. It's great to hear that you're liking what we're doing and I did take a look at our Feedburner settings and hopefully the truncate option we had is now off - so you should be seeing the full post in your RSS feed from now on, enjoy!
Posted by: Darren Alff | January 01, 2010 at 09:07 PM