Just a quick update while i'm in the office this morning for the Crown. We built a new feature in there last week and it has worked out very well, it's a fun feature to dink around with. Pictures below. We took out the up down ledge, rainbow box and the flat up flat ledge to farm that snow onto areas of the run with lower snowpacks. We re-installed the two ledges that made up the flat up down as the last feature. You now have the option of hitting the two side by side, a cats width apart. Right side is more urban for the on, the left side is level with the ledge with a foot or two gap to the ledge. Another blog to come later this week, I hate throwing out days but either thursday night or friday mid day postponed until the weather gets better, as Joneseys is getting a facelift and everyone is asking questions. Have a good week!
who are the famous guys filming in jonesys? some are obvioiusly easier to recognize than others
Posted by: adamp | March 06, 2007 at 01:47 PM
yeah that last jump in jonesey's is soo big,, what the measurement on it? 70ft? kinda sad to say i want to hit it bad. mind over matter right?
-Mike Replies: It is always 90% mental. If you can master your mental game everything else will fall into place. I haven't measured it yet... It's a very fun jump.
Posted by: jared massic | February 26, 2007 at 01:57 PM
a real lakers player separated his shoulder over the all star break, he said it happened when he fell on some ice in park city, but then he admitted he was snowboarding. very much against the rules if you are in the nba. im sure it wasnt in kings crown, but i was just sayin, you know?
-Mike Replies: Oh man that's not a good decision for his career at all.
Posted by: adamp | February 25, 2007 at 06:15 PM
there should maybe also be a sign at the entrance to kings crown that says "no lakers players allowed." im guessing maybe vladimir radmanovic saw all the other kids with basketball jerseys there and thought it looked good.
-Mike Replies: hmmm ok. ban all jerseys. check. was there really a laker in there today or just a bunch of kids wearing jerseys on an extremely snowy and windy day?
Posted by: adamp | February 25, 2007 at 11:16 AM
what happend to the post thursday or friday... man that new jump at jonesey is rediculous... expect people dying... hehehe... you guys should move the kink box and rail down or put some more stuff at the bottom of king... and waht happend to payday... keep us updated PLEASE......
-Mike Replies: The post got pushed back for a few days until the weather turns nice again, I've been out and about, worked on the last jump in joneseys all day yesterday so they could film for a couple hours in the afternoon yesterday. It's also pretty bad weather so none of my photo's turn out, when I can get time to take the camera out. About that last section of Kings, usually there are only 1 or two features past the staircase because of the steep pitch of the slope. We had to take out the flat up flat to farm snow so a new feature there right now just won't work. If it snows alot in march then we may be able to put one or two more in on that last pitch. I don't have a clue what is going on with payday... I'll have a chit chat with the mang and see what we can expect.
Posted by: Paul | February 25, 2007 at 10:07 AM