The pictures at the bottom were taken the day before yesterday while the cat drivers were pushing snow around. The landings are now built up and finished, and the pushing of snow for the jumps is now in progress. The opening date for Joneseys is later in the day saturday sunday, with the official opening sunday monday. Why later in the day saturday sunday? The park needs ropelines, fencing and signage that we won't be able to put in until saturday, and the final winch and groom will likely take place saturday morning. After all that is accomplished, we will pull the gate on the park and it will be open for riding.
I won't speculate on the size of the jumps yet, as the snow hasn't been pushed 100% on each one. The park was designed for jumps between the 30 foot to 60 foot range. The park will also include the two wall rides, S-box, single tube up flat down, single tube down, and other various features we find along the way.
While I have your attention, it's time to have a chat about park manners and rules.
Take a look at the previous link. It will send you to our mountain safety website. Take a look at the Terrain Park section and watch the videos at the bottom. Become familiar with the rules before you even get to the slopes. Here are a few items to remember, as they are becoming issues dealt with on a daily basis in every park. Do not sit on the knuckles and landings of jumps. These are very dangerous areas. You put yourself and others at risk by sitting on the landing of a jump. Do not duck any ropes. Areas roped off inside a park are closed for your safety. If the entrance to a park is closed, it does not mean you can take one more run inside that park or go sightseeing through there. Summit County Ordinance 110 states that violating a closure put in place is against the law and a prosecutable offence. We will take your pass if we find someone in a closed park. Please make yourself aware of the rules so we can all have a great time on the hill!
That's just going to be insane... i can't wait... keep up the work... even though i can't check it out this weekend couse insted of saturday i'm goin up friday... but man next week will be there... Thanks! WooHooooooo!
-Mike Replies: :) Thanks. See you up on the hill.
Posted by: XxX WooD XxX | January 18, 2007 at 07:42 PM